How much does it cost to deploy a smart contract to Ethereum?
To calculate, you must know the media gas price (at the time of writing, it is 9 Gwei), the gas limit (usually 21000 gas for a smart contract) and the market price of Ethereum ($147.83 at the time of writing) to be able to calculate how much you will have to shell out for deployment. Now, an old calculation, modeled on the Rinkeby testnet, pegged the cost of deploying a smart contract and running associated transactions at around $0.08. Now, what you must bear in mind is that this calculation was done back in 2017, when the price of ETH was $300. Today it is a little less than half that price. So, while calculating, you must take that into account as well. Moreover, that calculation was done with the gas price being 20 Gwei. Now, remember, you must determine your own gas price depending on your needs and calculate accurately.